Saturday, June 18, 2011

Well hello again... its been forever since we have updated. SO, I am going to go back in time to the end of the our first stay and finish up there and then try to get up to date for everyone. We have been VERY busy but everything we have been busy with has been so VERY AMAZING! Expect to hopefully hear from the others on our travels soon and more and more posts from me as I get updated :)

Bonheim was such amazing hosts to begin our trip to Germany with

With our hosts after getting our Bonheim flags

We had such a fun time at the Welcome party...set the tone for a great adventure!

I wish the US had strawberries this sweet and naturally flavored Fanta...I'm addicted :)
Amanda and I got to stay in Bad Godesburg which is beautiful
The von Stengal residence made us feel right at home and were wonderful first hosts to us!

I love the flowers pretty

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