Monday, June 6, 2011

The First 24 Hours in Pictures

Just have time for a quick update so thought I'd do so in is a peek into our first 24 hours on route to Germany included....

Boarding Passes: 4 airports in 3 great trip ahead!

Waiting in security line in New Jersey's airport
While eating, two members of a Rotary GSE team from England who were visiting New York state overhead us talking about our GSE trip ahead and we got to visit and hear about their GSE experience! Another way Rotary brings people together from all over :)
On the plane about to take off for London...the longest flight on our trip

Amanda preparing for our flight to London
An overview of our flight from USA to London

 While on lay over in London, Amanda and I had fun with the British Guard statue.  On our layover, we enjoyed coffee and fizzy juices and window shopped the many stores London Heathrow has.

Lunch with Michael and Robert let us have our first local beer and some amazing food
Today is our first day in LOTS more pictures and more posts to come today hopefully!!!

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