Saturday, July 2, 2011

For the love of Germany....always the heights!

If you know me know I have a pretty bad fear of heights. So, to say that I have fallen in love with Germany despite the fact I have gone up somewhere incredibly high is saying something haha. But really, there was no way I was going to pass up the amazing views and experiences. To prove I was brave and as a testiment to my dedication to my love of is proof my typically coward ways were at least faced with lots of pep talks from Amanda and Chris letting me cling to him. 
First, on top of the Koln Dom...all 533 steps up. The towers of the cathedral are so high you can see them  from the other cities...yes, THAT high.
In the Eifel region...climbed to the top of an old castle tower on our first day.
At the fortress in Koblenz overlooking the city far below where the Rhine and the Mosel meet

In Aachen, went to the place where 3 countries meet and went up a very high lookout tower to see over all 3 countries.
In Berlin, went to the top of the dome of the Reichstag  (by far the scariest and I clung to Chris the both ways)

In Dusseldorf, the first was walking on top of the Gasometer Museum

The next day in Dusseldorf they took us to the TV Tower where the glass angles out over the ground 178m below...I couldn't lay back on the glass...closest I got was to sit on it and hold on for dear life to the metal at least my butt was brave haha.

And finally, we hiked up the tallest of the Seven Mountains to the Dragon Rock in Bonn
And YES I am still afraid of heights.  But look at how BEAUTIFUL the view was at every point in our trip. For you Germany, I will brave my fear to experience the wonder you hold. 

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